Escaping a Prison Called Shame


ISBN: 978-1-936871-31-5

SHAME has been an unseen factor in most people’s lives since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The effect of shame has caused murders, suicide, family break-ups, kingdoms to fall, wars and many other destructive events.

SHAME has never created anything useful, worthwhile, long lasting, or beneficial to mankind. SHAME ALWAYS DESTROYS. You will either bury your past, or your past will bury you!

This book is a must read for everyone; especially those behind bars. If you know someone who is struggling with SHAME, get this book into their hands. They will thank you many times over.

Order 1 or additional copies for those you know who need to get victory over SHAME. This book is a life-changer! ORDER IT TODAY!

Mid-America Prison Ministries
has received
Signed Decision Cards
For Christ
A orange sign with the words " sign up " on it.


A book cover with a field of flowers and the words " don 't miss heaven ".


A book cover with the words " of prison and stay out !"

Inmate Correspondence

Mid-America Prison Ministries
PO Box 54511
Tulsa, OK 74155-4511

Ministry Address

Mid-America Prison Ministries
PO Box 702855
Tulsa, OK 74170-2855

Ministry Headquarters

Phone: (918) 748-5600